First telephone subscribers in France.First telephone directories issued

  1. First telephone subscribers in France.First telephone directories issued

  2. Guglielmo Marconi makes the first wireless telegraph transmissions

  3. Development by Lee de Forest of the triode tube, the roots of broadcasting and the first long-distance telephone connections

  4. Creation of the Ministry of Postal, Telegraph and Telephone (PTT) services (Decree of 3 November 1929)

  5. First trial of television in France, led by French physicist René Barthélemy

  6. Merger of the department of telephone operations and the department of telegraph operations

  7. Organization of the PTT Resistance

  8. Creation of CNET (Centre national d'études des télécommunications - French telecommunications research center), responsible for R&D in the field of telecommunications and the origin of Orange Labs

  9. The Department of Telecommunications, created in 1941, becomes the Directorate General of Telecommunications (DGT)

  10. Invention of the transistor, heralding the arrival of the electronic era