Launch of the Radiocom 2000 service, the first car telephone

  1. Launch of the Radiocom 2000 service, the first car telephone

  2. Birth of the France Télécom Foundation

  3. The first fiber-optic submarine cable (TAT 8) connects France, the United Kingdom and the United States, it supports a bandwidth of 280 Mbits/s (x2), i.e. 40,000 simultaneous telephone communications

  4. On 1 January 1991, the Directorate General of Telecommunications becomes France Télécom

  5. The law of 2 July converts France Télécom into an independent operator incorporated under public law, separate from the government and with financial autonomy

  6. First institutionnel campaign, "Enter the fourth dimension"

  7. Alphapage enables messages of 40 to 80 characters to be received, more comprehensive than Eurosignal

  8. Birth of electrical telegraphy

  9. First transatlantic telegraph cable

  10. On 14 February, Alexander Graham Bell lodges the first telephone patent