The seventh socioeconomic development plan (VIIe Plan) makes telephony a national priority, this is the beginning of the "Delta LP" saga, or the "telephone catch-up plan," aimed at installing 14 million telephone lines in seven years

  1. The seventh socioeconomic development plan (VIIe Plan) makes telephony a national priority, this is the beginning of the "Delta LP" saga, or the "telephone catch-up plan," aimed at installing 14 million telephone lines in seven years

  2. In France, the Directorate General of Telecommunications installs the first optical connection in Paris

  3. Break-up of ATT (American Telegraph and Telecom), the beginning of global deregulation

  4. First telephone box fitted with a telephone smart-card reader

  5. Launch of Télécom 1A, the first French communications satellite

  6. Full launch of Minitel 3615, heralding the take-off of computer communication for the French general public

  7. With more than 22 million lines in service, the telephone is a basic piece of equipment for 88% of French households